Friday, July 4, 2014

Grocery bag from feed bag tutorial

Cut feed bag open at bottom
1. Lay bag flat and cut off top where you opened the bag
2. Cut two - three inch strips from top (save these for making the handles)

 3. Turn bag inside out and stitch bottom closed, creasing bag where it naturally folds at the bottom. Sew

4.With bag still inside out stitch corners about two inches from point lining up the seam.

 5. Mark two inches from end point of seam, draw a line and stitch (I use my quilting square which has a 45° line SEW

 6. I fold back the corner on my inside seam a give it a little stitch to hold in place.  This is my squish and try to find a flat spot to sew, but you could stitch this down by hand or even just cut off the extra material.

 7. Turn right side out and fold under top twice and top stitch.

 8. Using the two - three inch strips make the handles.  Cut open the strips where they overlap and lay out flat.

9. Fold both sides to the middle then fold in half, top stitch along both edges.

10. I made my straps 20" long and then sewed in place.